Monday, November 8, 2010

Sima Fisher- AKA Sim Simma

Sima is a former Miss Toronto. Sima discovered the acting bug while touring Australia and had an apiffany and discovered her true passion of life was to work in Entertainment. Since then Sima has been hitting the entertainment scene full steam ahead. Sima was seen in such films as Casino Jack, American Pie Presents Beta House and the Love Guru. Sima's talents aren't just limited to the big screen either having been in various Canadian TV series as Kevin Hill, Billable Hours, Being Erica, Cra$h and Burn, and many more.

When not filming around the likes of Mike Myers, and Lindsay Lohan you can catch Sima singing at clubs around the world. Sima also enjoys a healthy lifestyle and can be seen working out or at your local health food store. If you aren't able to find her she may be relaxing at home watching Sex in the City or Entourage.

Sima's dream date would consist of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, (maybe both) or Josh Hartnett. Others may have a chance but would have to check their ego at the door and make sure to have great teeth. During the date she would be looking for some intelligent conversation, but if the night goes well and you want to go in for the kill you would have to make sure that breath is minty fresh. Or else all the trouble you went through for this hottie will go down the drain. Just ask Erik von Markovik who wrote about Sima in his buddy's (Neil Strauss) book "The Game".

What does the future hold for a girl that has already done so much, and has met the likes of Taye Diggs, Jon Lovitz and Kevin Spacey? Hopefully her hard work will pay off and you will see her in some of the world's top magazines, staring in her own feature film, or you will be blasting her latest hit on iTunes. Either way we believe that Sima will make it huge very soon and truly be a Coming Attraction.

You can keep up to date with Sima at her website

On there you will find links to her music, photos, videos, and anything else you want to know about her.

Photos submitted by Sima Fisher. Taken by Jerry (Ace) Micheals and Pedro Migual Arce

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcome To the Ontario Up and Coming Models Blog

This blog is designed to showcase talent from across Ontario. From Thunder Bay to Cornwall and from Windsor to Moose Factory. This is a sure fire way for models to get noticed. Getting listed is easy, use the submission form located on the top of the site and fill out the info. The info submitted will be reviewed and could be posted as early as the following day.